On the surface, Astrology is the study of fate, and the Enneagram is the study of free will, and mindfulness is how we get from fate to free will, but if we dig a little deeper, we see that both maps of the psyche are profound vehicles for growth. I can’t imagine doing my practice without either one; they’ve both been indespensible to me, and my interest is in helping others along their unique path to growth via their Astrological chart and their Enneagram type.

Astrology and the Enneagram are both integrative tools to help us figure out our unique “alignment”.

My Approach Includes:


A personality typing system like Myers-Briggs, but with a spiritual dimension to it.


Carl Jung (and Freud) were the first to articulate the modern understanding of the unconscious.


The practice of discerning the dynamics of the personality through the position of the planets at the moment of one’s birth.


The practice of observing oneself and sensing into the body with compassion.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

C.G. Jung

Great Books to Accompany You on Your Journey

The Enneagram

There are two classics by Don Riso and Russ Hudson, two of the original modern teachers of the Enneagram: Personality Types and The Wisdom of the Enneagram. Either one is an essential book for your bookshelf.

Projection and the Unconscious

Part of integrating our shadow self is to become aware of what we’re projecting onto others. Robert A. Johnson was a revered and wonderful synthesizer of Carl Jung’s teachings.

The Neuroscience behind Mindfulness

The plasticity of our brains means that our charts don’t condemn us to a lifetime of inner conflict- learning the science behind self-observations makes it easier to re-parent ourselves as adults.

*A word about our challening political times

The Journey Begins Here.